01822 258529 Mob: 0771 838 6580 info@wildwoodartsdartmoor.co.uk

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Contact us


01822 258529




Email: info@wildwoodartsdartmoor.co.uk

Get in touch

3 + 6 =

Appointment availability

Monday: 9.30-6pm by appointment only
Tuesday: 9.30-6pm by appointment only
Wednesday:  Closed for art teaching
Thursday: 9.30-6pm by appointment only
Friday: 9.30-6pm by appointment only
Saturday: 9.30-6pm by appointment only
Sunday: 9.30-6pm by appointment only

Evening appointments & virtual appointments are available by appointment please get in touch.

Parking & Accessibility

There is parking directly outside the gallery.  Alternatively, there should be road parking nearby. We are a 10 minute walk from the Drake’s Trail.

Dogs, muddy boots, cycling gear welcome, but bikes must remain outside!

View accessibility here

Dear customer please would you leave us a review ?

Please help support a small business and our local artists!

Firstly, we’d like to thank you very much for being a valued customer.

We pride ourselves on our personalised customer service and the quality of our our art pieces.

We hope you either enjoyed your visit or were happy with our online gallery service.

Please would you take a minute to review your experience or purchase on Google? Just click HERE and it will take you there instantly.

It would help us enormously.

Thanks in advance.


Cheri & Claude