01822 258529 Mob: 0771 838 6580 info@wildwoodartsdartmoor.co.uk

Our Services

art consultancy | art investment |valuations | restoration | teaching | artist advisory

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Art Consultancy

Your style with our expertise.

We know that everyone’s taste is different. We understand that your home reflects your style. Often though, you can’t envision just how to make it happen. What artwork would compliment your style? Where and how to hang the paintings, what frames to use, which colours work best? That is where our Art Consultancy comes to the rescue!


What’s it worth?.

Perhaps you’ve inherited a painting, or you’ve bought one from an auction, or your insurers need an estimate? We undertake art valuations for insurance purposes, probate or market value.We can provide a valuation and condition report to the solicitors for the estimated value.


Bringing art back to life.

Over time, paintings can begin to look a little unloved. Paintings are exposed to the environment in which they have been displayed or stored. Harsh sunlight, damp conditions, dust and nicotene all take their toll on paintings. We offer restoration and advice for your old or damaged paintings.


Learn something new!

For all levels of experience. We offer art  & creative writing tuition. From private lessons, to small groups. One of lessons, to weekly, weekend & three day courses in watercolour, gouache, oils, acrylics, graphite & pastels.

Artist Advisory

Finding your way.

With years of peronal experience as a professional artist & gallery owner, Cheri Hunston, is perfectly placed to guide & advise you on your artistic career. A full evaluation (critique) of your current work, working practice, marketing & selling to where to go next, as well as what to avoid.

Art Investment

Invest in your future. Invest in art.

With years of experience in valuing art, we are well placed to offer honest & trustworthy advice on investing in art. We believe that first & foremost art is to be enjoyed, but wouldn’t it be a bonus is it could grow in value too?

Contact us


01822 258529




Email: info@wildwoodartsdartmoor.co.uk

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